

Finding Better Homes for Waste

Working in conjunction with our land and refuse clearing services, we are able to find environmentally friendly solutions for waste removal. We specialize in recycling wood and chemically inert refuse.

Wood Recycling

From old lumber to felled trees, at Green Acres Land Development we have a few options for recycling wood, depending on the type of wood and whether it can be salvaged for further use.

Where wood can be salvaged, we generally get in contact with separate companies depending on the source of wood waste. Storm-damaged trees and shrubs, for example, may be chipped and re-used as mulch or fuel. Reclaimed lumber, in contrast, may find homes in new buildings as decorative, antique, or even structural elements in construction. Where wood cannot be salvaged, it is typically buried for composting and carbon reclamation.

If you are interested in acquiring reclaimed wood for these purposes, then please contact us using the information on the right.

Inert Waste Recycling

Inert waste refers to materials such as old concrete, stone, or sand, which do not react to their surroundings. Often these materials are used to line landfills, to provide an additional barrier to more hazardous waste deeper inside. At Green Acres Land Development, we have better uses for such material.

Where possible, we can re-use inert waste in foundation aggregates, where inert waste becomes a handy supply for supporting projects from building foundations to flood control. The ideal inert waste in this scenario would be granular waste such as gravel and sand.

Larger pieces of concrete and rubble would need additional processing before being re-used. We are currently in contact with many companies who can process this material, but by 2015 we expect to be able to offer these services as well.

Recycling Other Material

Although we specialize in recycling wood and inert waste, if you have stockpiles of other types of waste - metal, for example, or plastics - then we would be happy to arrange recycling with local services.